
It has been an interesting couple of weeks to say the least. Trying to change the entire default structure of the way we do church has been challenging. However, it has also been exciting to see how God changes us and mold us to continue to be the church. Thankfully, the church is not confined to a building. While we do not want to downplay the resources God has given us to steward, our situation has served as a tangible reminder of what the church should be: mobile, agile, and hostile. (Thanks Coach Boone, In the movie - Remember the Titans)


The church family that makes up Taylor Memorial Baptist Church has jumped to action in many different ways. Making worship gatherings available online, taking meals to people, delivering encouragement cards to nursing homes, adjusting the way we function day to day, making masks, etc. The mobility of the church has been an incredible thing to observe, I'm so thankful that we are committed to something bigger than ourselves.


Given the fact that we cannot meet together at a central place will require some agility on our part. We are currently working on a way for our Sunday School groups to meet virtually. We are also working on making extra resources available for family worship and discipleship. We appreciate your patience during this time.


We still have a job to do. We are called to make disciples. We are called to share the good news. Our hostility is used in that we are in a battle, not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12) The devil would seek to use this time to hinder the work of the church, but I am convinced that it is at times like these the church is at her best (and history would be on our side). The previous is true, provided we keep our eyes on our leader, JESUS!


Let me encourage you do some thing as we journey through this together:

1. Be people of prayer

2. Press into one another: call people, text, me, check on our brothers and sisters.

3. Meet needs where you can!

4. Join us online for our worship gatherings. (Make it a priority: get ready, focus, gather your family)

5. Take advantage of the student and children's ministries videos available online.

6. Continue to give. We are still supporting local ministries, church plants, missions nationally and globally, as well as ministering to needs of our church family and our community.

7. Be looking for other opportunities as they become available.


Keep your eyes on Jesus! He is always faithful!