Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:19
We want every member of Taylor to be involved in ministry and on mission. We want our members to view themselves as missionaries to our city and the nations. We want to make disciples who make disciples. There are three aspects of “going” that we emphasize:
- Praying – We want you to pray. We ask you to pray for your walk with Christ, your family and friends, our church body, and for the salvation of the nations. We want the fame of Jesus Christ to spread to the ends of the earth, so we pray for the lost in our community, in our state, in our nation, and around the world.
- Serving – As you grow as a disciple we are going to ask that you plug into an area of service. We want you to connect with a ministry at TMBC that will allow you to use your gifts and abilities to serve others and glorify Him.
- Sharing – We want you to view yourself as a missionary to our culture. This means that we always look for ways to share the good news about Jesus with our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers that we meet.
There are plenty of opportunities for you to plug in and serve at TMBC. Below are some of the ministry areas where we need help. Sign up here if you are interested in serving in any of the following areas:
- Sunday School
- Media
- Praise Team
- Greeter Team Ministry
- Prayer Ministry
- Spanish Ministry
- Sr Adult Ministry
- Missions
- Preschool Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- Student Ministry
- Collegiate Ministry
- Young Adult Ministry
- Family Ministry
- Women's Ministry
- Men's Ministry